To create claims and issues, click on the Issues tab in your case menu. You'll notice the Issues page is divided into two sections:
Unassigned Issues
Claim groupings provide a place to nest related issues under a singular claim heading whereas stand-alone issues should be created under the unassigned category.
Adding Claims
Claims are groups of issues that can be used to organize your case around the different legal claims in dispute, or sets of related issue tags you'd like to group together.
When you click the "Add new claim" button, you have the option of creating a new claim (e.g. negligence, breach of contract, wrongful termination) or adding a claim from your claim template library.
Creating Issues
Once you've created the relevant claims for your case, it is time to add issues. Again, issues are categories used to tag facts. Often, they are used to show how facts relate to the different elements of legal claims. For example, if you created a claim of negligence, you'll want to add the issues of ย "duty", "breach", "standard of care", and "damages" to your negligence claim.ย
Issue tags may also include categories that don't fit into any particular legal claim. This is where "Unassigned Issues" come into play. Examples of unassigned issues include "key facts", "disputed", or "background."ย
Additional Actions on the Issues Tab
Finally, there are two important points to note about the Issues page:
First, you can reorder issues and claims by grabbing the double bar to the right of the issue and moving the row.
Second, the outline structure in a Facts by Issue report (a report that contains a draft statement of facts) mirrors the order of claims and unassigned issues on the Issues page. In other words, you customize your Facts by Issues report by reordering information on the Issues page.
To efficiently label facts and develop comprehensive case outlines with Casefleet, enhancing your case preparation and analysis, view this blog post.
For a more detailed look at Issues, watch our tutorial video here.