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Best Practices: Leveraging Case Law

Inputing statutes, rules, and other case law documentation to Casefleet.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over 6 months ago

In Casefleet, each case is fully segmented from the others. As such, here are a couple of tips for including precedent and case law documentation in your case.

This article covers:

Upload a case law document as a source of evidence

One option is to upload the relevant case law documentation as a Source in your case. This allows it to be directly cited for any relevant facts. With this method, you can cite a specific location in the case law document, so you can quickly open it up while reviewing your chronology via the "Evidence" column on the Facts page:

Use various tag types to indicate case law

Another option would be to add a Source Tag for "Case Law" or an Issue tag under the appropriate Claim category for "Case Law" (or both).

Source tags help organize types of documents, and filter your Sources list to a subset based on a particular tag. You can also filter your Facts list to only facts linked to evidence with the specified tag. For example, here's a screenshot of me filtering my chronology only to those facts that have been linked to documents with the "Witness Statement" source tag:

Issue tags are best for organizing the various facts of your case, so some people prefer to add a "Case Law" issue under a claim grouping, to indicate a fact is backed up by case law in a way that links it to the claim as a whole. Here, you can see an example of a "Case Law" issue I created under the "Negligence" claim, and added info in the memo field as a reminder to myself about which case it was from:

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us via the in-app support chat or email for assistance.

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