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Task Comments

Provide updates and discuss task specifics with task comment threads.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over 6 months ago

When working with a team, it can be helpful to include additional information or ask questions about a task assigned to yourself or a colleague. Using task comments is more efficient than emailing back and forth, and keeps a digital paper trail of what happened with the task should you need to refresh your memory later.

Create and View Task Comments

You can create and view comments for a task by visiting the Tasks page and clicking on the row for the task. On the task's detail page, you will see a section for "Comments." Here you can communicate with your team members about the progress of a particular task.

Following and Unfollowing a Task Discussion

If you created or are assigned to a task, you will be emailed comment updates when they are posted. You can also follow discussions on any task by clicking the "Get Updates" button in the comments section of the task.

If you no longer wish to receive notification emails for a particular task discussion, click the "Unfollow Updates" button in the Comments section for the task.

To manage email notification settings, visit the notifications section of your User Profile

If your team includes privileged information in tasks, an account administrator can choose to redact notification emails in Account Settings > Email.

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