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Email Notification Preferences

Customize notifications related to tasks and collaborative work

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over 6 months ago

Casefleet sends four types of notifications to improve communication between teams and keep individual users up-to-date on important deadlines. 

The first three notification types are particularly useful when working within a team: 

  1. When a team member assigns you a task; 

  2. When a team member has started or completed a task you assigned; and 

  3. When a team member adds an internal comment to a fact on a case you are assigned.

The fourth notification, a weekly Monday morning email containing a digest of all tasks due that week, is useful whether working in Casefleet individually or collaborating with a team.

All notifications may be switched on or off from your User Profile.

If your team includes privileged information in fact comments, tasks, etc., an account administrator can choose to redact notification emails in Account Settings > Email.

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