On occasion, documents processed by Casefleet might not render correctly when you view them in the reviewer. Namely, one or several pages might display as a blank in the reviewer, or you may have trouble highlighting text.
When this happens, you can reprocess the document by looking for the reprocessing "gear" icon in the menu bar:ย
When you click the icon you'll have the option to reprocess the entire document. Usually, reprocessing will resolve any rendering or highlighting issues that arise.ย
NOTE: If you do not see the gear icon in your reviewer window, this indicates that either: (1) the page has been processed with OCR already, or (2) we disabled reprocessing because you have highlighted text on the page linked to a fact.
If you have trouble reprocessing a document, or if reprocessing does not resolve the issue, please reach out to support@casefleet.com.
To learn more about Casefleet's document processing and OCR, click here.