Activities Overview
When collaborating with your team, Casefleet automatically captures a log of actions taken by users in your account. Within each case file, you can view a history of activities within that case on the Activity tab. In addition to the Activity tab in each case file, users with administrator permissions can view a list of global actions in the account, across all cases.
Each activity item in the list provides a detailed account of changes made, including:
The date and time of the action
The case the action was taken in (if relevant)
The user is responsible for the action and the specific changes made
A link to the affected record (fact, issue, source, contact, etc.)
A preview of the record, reflecting its current state in the database
Activities are categorized by type, indicating if the associated record was created, edited, or deleted.
Filtering Account Activity
When you click on the Filter icon on the activities menu, you'll see an option to filter by User. To add an additional filter, click the "+ add a filter" button.
Casefleet allows you to filter case activity based on various criteria, including:
User: The user who performed the action
Date: The date the action occurred
Record type: The type of record impacted by the action (e.g., Fact, Contact, Source)
Action type: Whether the action involved creating, editing, or deleting a record
Customize your filters further using the second drop-down list, which provides the following options:
"Has any of" = OR filter
"Has all of" = AND filter
"Has none of" = everything except filter
"is empty" = the field has been left blank
"is not empty" = the field has been filled in
Creating Snapshots of Account Activity with Saved Views
Once you've configured your desired filters, you can save them for future reference. Click "Save as New View," and a form will appear to save the current set of filters as a new view.
After saving the view, a few handy buttons will appear:
Use the Star button to make the view your default view for this particular page.
Hit the Copy button to create a copy of the view.
Hit the People icon to make this a shared view. Your team will be able to apply the view to their accounts, but they won’t be able to edit it.
Hit the Trash icon to delete the view.
Once you have a saved view on the page, an element will appear, allowing you to choose which view to apply, and providing a shortcut to "Star" a view if you wish to make it your default for the page.
If you have questions about saved views, click the chat button in the bottom right to send us a question, or email us at