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Managing Exhibits for Sources

How to add exhibit numbers and link documents as exhibits to other sources.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over 6 months ago

Sometimes supplemental documents are included as "exhibits" to a primary source of evidence. For example, a deposition transcript may reference other specific photos, documents, or video files that were mentioned during the testimony.

Adding Exhibit Numbers to Sources

Exhibit numbers can be added to any source document in Casefleet, and can be created from any combination of alphanumeric characters. There are 3 ways to assign an Exhibit Number to a source: 

  1. By editing the Source Info in the document reviewer

  2. By editing the selected source in the Sources list

  3. By linking an exhibit to a parent source

Linking Documents as Exhibits to a Source

A source's exhibits are managed via the source's detail page. To visit the source detail page, simply click on the row for the source on the Sources tab, then click the "View Details" link at the top of the pop-up modal. In the menu on the left, select "Exhibits" to access the exhibit list for the selected source. 

To add an exhibit for the source, click "+ Add an Exhibit" at the top of the screen. Exhibits can be added either by: 

  1. Uploading a new source document; or 

  2. Linking an existing source using the drop-down menu. 

Once a file has been selected, you will see an option to assign an Exhibit Number to the document. Click Save.

To remove the link between a source and an exhibit, simply click the trash can icon next to the exhibit you wish to unlink.

NOTE: This action will only remove the link connecting an exhibit to the "parent" source document, and does not delete the exhibit source itself. All uploaded case documents can still be accessed via the Sources tab of your case.

Accessing Exhibits in the Document Reviewer

Once an exhibit has been linked to a source, a new button will appear in the Document Reviewer toolbar for that source. Click the Exhibit button to view a drop-down display of all linked exhibits. When you select an exhibit from the menu, it will open the document in a new reviewer window, allowing you to easily view both the source document and exhibits at the same time.

Viewing Exhibit Information on the Sources Page

Use the column selector on the Sources page to view columns for exhibit numbers and the number of exhibits linked to a source. Remember, when you add columns you want to reuse or share with your team, we recommend saving them as part of a Saved View.

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