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Filtering Facts

How to narrow your view to only see a subset of facts.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over 7 months ago

In a large case, you could have thousands of facts from hundreds of sources and involving dozens of witnesses. Using filters on the Facts, Sources, and Reporting pages can help you quickly sort through all of the information in your chronology to identify the subset of facts you need at any given time.

For example, while preparing a brief you might want to see all facts on a certain issue. Or, when preparing for a deposition or cross-examination, you might want to see all facts that contain a combination of certain claims, witnesses, and sources.

When you click on the Filter button, you'll see an option to filter by Issue. To add an additional filter, click the "+ add a filter" button.

Casefleet lets you filter Facts by any combination of the following: 

  • Show / hide undated facts

  • Show / hide archived records

  • Date Range

  • Issues

  • Claims

  • Contacts

  • Sources

  • Source Tags

  • Created Date (the date the fact was input into Casefleet)

  • Created By (the user who created the fact in CaseeFleet)

  • Fact (filter by simple word search within the text of your facts)

  • Notes (filter by facts with or without internal comments)

Next, customize your filter by using the second drop-down list:

  • "Has any of" = OR filter

  • "Has all of" = AND filter

  • "Has none of" = everything except filter

  • "is empty" = the field has been left blank

  • "is not empty" = the field has been filled in

The  "is empty" and "is not empty" filtering options are particularly handy when you need to find a set of facts that still need to be linked to sources or issues. 

For a more detailed look at Filters, watch our support video here. To learn how to save a filter as  "saved view" check out this support article

Finally, once you've run a filter, you may wish to print a report with the information. To learn more about the Reports tab and running reports, click here.

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