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Citing to Bates Labels and Other Citation Formats
Citing to Bates Labels and Other Citation Formats

How to customize formats for fact citations.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over 2 months ago

Bates labels are often used to identify documents that are exchanged during discovery. Even if you are not using Bates labels, it is worth reading this section, because Casefleet can help you with whatever method you are using for identifying pages and documents.

NOTE: When you upload documents using the Processed Bulk-Uploads Add-On feature, bates labels or other citation formats from the matching load file will be automatically mapped over.

Editing Source Bates Numbers

When you upload a document as a source on the Sources tab, Casefleet will apply a default citation format based on the number of pages in the document. For example, if you create a citation on the first page of the document, the citation will appear as "<Document Name> at 1".

You can modify the citation format to display the associated Bates number for the referenced page in two places:

  1. On the Sources Tab of your case, click the pencil icon next to the desired Source (or click the pencil icon for that row) to display the "Edit source" modal.

  2. In the Document Reviewer, click the pencil icon in the toolbar to display the "Edit source" sidebar.

When editing a Source, you will see a consolidated field for adding the beginning Bates number for the selected document.

  • If the Source has no existing citations, you can edit the beginning Bates number directly in the field provided.

  • If any facts are currently linked to the selected source, click the "edit" link to initiate the citation update process.

NOTE: Bates numbers must end in a numeric value to ensure proper sequencing based on the page location referenced in the citation.

Updating Bates Numbers in Existing Facts

When updating the beginning Bates number for sources that are linked to existing facts in Casefleet, click the "edit" link next to the "Beginning Bates number" field on the "Edit Source" screen.

On the pop-up that appears, you will see a message indicating that the source has existing citations present. To update, enter the starting Bates number for that document in the field and click "Test update".

The message will then update to show how many citations will be updated to the new format, and if any citations were unable to be automatically updated for the document. To proceed with the update, click "Save changes".

If you see an alert that some existing citations cannot be updated automatically, individual citations can be updated on the Facts page or in the Document Reviewer by editing the desired fact citation.

Filtering by Beginning Bates

Using the "Beginning Bates" field filter option, you can quickly narrow your entire sources list to a subset of documents matching your specifications based on the starting bates number for the source. You can filter by the Beginning Bates using the contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, or is exactly options:

Viewing Bates Label Information

Once you've added the Bates information for a document, you can add these details to your view on the Sources tab.

Using the column selector, choose the column options you want to be included in your view. The following columns provide Bates/citation labeling information:

  1. Beg. Bates: The starting Bates number for the document, based on your citation format settings.

  2. Pages: The total number of pages in the document.

  3. Bates Range: The beginning and ending Bates numbers for a particular document.

To quickly refer to this information later, be sure to save your selection as a Saved View.

You can also view Citation Formatting information, including the full Bates range of a document, on the Source Detail page, which can be found by clicking on the name of the document in your Sources list.

For more information on exporting Bates information for your Source list, click here.

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