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Exporting Source Data and Downloading Sources
Exporting Source Data and Downloading Sources

Download a binder of source documents and data based on your exact criteria.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over 7 months ago

Casefleet allows you to download the Sources List for your case - in its entirety or filtered - along with copies of the listed documents.

First, set your filters on the Sources tab of your case so that all desired documents are included. To include all documents in your case file, simply clear all filters or saved views. Then to generate the report, click "Download":

Once you click "Download" a box will appear with additional options for determining which columns are included in the export, and if you want to include a zip archive of the original documents.

By default, the CSV will only include the columns (fields) currently visible on your sources list. If you want your CSV to include all available source fields, uncheck this box.

Next, decide if you want to include a zip archive of the original documents, based on your current filter or saved view settings. If so, an additional checkbox will appear, giving you the option to convert the exported files to OCR versions of the original documents in PDF format. Selecting this option ensures that any text recognized by Casefleet's text-detection functionality will be included in the files you download.

Select your desired options, then click Generate to create your report. The export will be waiting for you on the Reports tab of your case file.

NOTE: Certain documents, such as audio files, video files, spreadsheets, and TXT-formatted depositions cannot be converted to PDF and will be included in their native/original format.

Selecting the OCR'd PDF option also requires more time for report generation, so we advise only selecting that option when necessary.

A Note about Bates Ranges

If you include the Bates Range column in your CSV export, and are NOT using traditional Bates label formatting, Excel may try to read your page range as a date. If this happens, follow these steps to ensure the Bates Range is properly formatted in the spreadsheet:

  1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet and display the Data tab.

  2. Click "Get External Data", and select “From Text” from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select your downloaded CSV report and click "Get Data", and proceed through the Text Import Wizard.

  4. In Step 1, select the option for "Delimited", then choose “Comma” as the delimiter option in Step 2. On the final screen (Step 3) select the "Bates Range" column and select "Text" as the data format.

This will ensure the Bates Range displays properly in your spreadsheet, and that Excel's auto-formatting does not alter the data in any way.

For more information about using Bates numbering in Casefleet, click here.

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