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Organizing Sources with Tags

How to create and assign tags to source documents.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over a month ago

Source tags are used to identify and organize your list of source documents in Casefleet. By adding tags, you also create an easy way to filter a large list of documents. 

Source Tags Overview

Source tags can be customized for each case file in your account. You can create and edit tags that will only appear in the case you are working on by clicking the "+ edit tags" button when you are working under the Sources tab in your case:

Like Issues, Source Tags can be color-coded based on your preferences:

Default Source Tags

Casefleet comes with several default tags already set up, including Interrogatory Response, Pleading, and Email. These default source tags automatically appear in each new case created.

An account administrator can remove these tags or create new tags on the Account Settings > Sources page that will be applied to every subsequent case created in the account.

Tagging Individual Sources from the Sources Tab

Once you've created tags, you can add them to your source documents in one of three ways. First, you can click the pencil icon next to the source to edit its details and add tag(s):

Assigning Source Tags in Bulk

From the Sources tab, select the checkbox to the left of any source records you would like to add tags to and click the "Edit X Sources" button at the top of the sources list. A list of fields will appear for bulk editing. Click the tag(s) you would like to add to the selected records, then click Save: 

Learn more about Bulk Editing Sources in Casefleet, here.

Tagging Sources from the Document Reviewer

Source tags can also be applied directly in the Document Reviewer using the Tags sidebar or by editing the details of the Source document.

Using the Source Tags sidebar

The easiest way to quickly tag documents while in the document reviewer is using the Tags sidebar. To display, click the tag icon in the reviewer toolbar. The tags panel will be displayed showing any source tags currently associated with the open document:

Simply click on the name of the tag you want to apply to the visible document, and it will be applied to that source.

When using the "Prev Source" and "Next Source" buttons in the tags sidebar to navigate to the next document in your list, you will see a prompt to quickly "Apply Last Used" tags to the new document. Click here to apply the last used source tags to the document currently in view, or close the sidebar using the "Done" button:

Using the Edit Source sidebar

You can also add source tags, along with updating other details about the document using the "Edit Source" button in the menu bar. This will open the Edit Source sidebar, where you can apply tags and edit other details on the source record:

Leveraging Source Tags in Filters and Saved Views

As noted above, Casefleet also provides a way to filter your list of sources by tags. For example, use tags to label all of the depositions in the case, the documents produced in discovery, or documents marked as trial exhibits. Then click the filter icon to select which filters you want visible in your list. 

You can even download a CSV file of your filtered source results and download a ZIP file of the actual documents with a click of a button. This is very handy when prepping for a deposition or preparing trial exhibits.

To learn more about filtering sources, click here. For more information on the other ways, you can organize information under the Sources tab check out our article on managing reviews. Finally, to learn how to save your column and filter preferences for sources, check out our article on saved views

For more details on organizing sources in Casefleet using tags, check out this video.

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