To leverage the full power of Casefleet, you'll want to perform your review and analysis of relevant documents from within our Document Reviewer, creating facts as you go along.
To use the Document Reviewer, upload a document to your case (we accept over 40 file types), then click the "Launch Reviewer" button once the document has been processed.
Capturing Facts via Text Highlight
The first and fastest way to create a fact is to use the highlighting feature to automatically copy the exact text of the document. Simply drag your mouse over the text to highlight it. The text from the document will appear in the fact form box as seen on the left side of the screen in the .gif below.
When reviewing a paged document in Casefleet, you can select multiple passages of highlighted text to include as a single fact citation. There are two ways to do this:
After highlighting your first text selection, choose "Continue selection..." from the highlight context menu to highlight and add additional passages to your fact.
Hold the CTRL key (CMD on Mac) while making additional text highlights with your mouse.
Additionally, with the new line preservation update, any line breaks found in the selected text will now be retained, ensuring better readability and accuracy. If needed, you can easily remove or restore line breaks using the new icon that appears just above the Fact box.
Creating Paraphrased Facts via Text Highlight
The second way to create a fact within the Document Reviewer is to paraphrase the text you highlight. To do this, uncheck the "copy source text to fact memo" box located at the bottom of the fact form in the sidebar. Now when you highlight text, it no longer automatically appears in the fact form box. This way, you can use your own words to create a fact based on what you highlighted. Note that the original source text is still captured in the "Source Text" box at the bottom of the fact form and can be printed when you run reports (see image below).
Automatic Date Detection
When highlighting text to create facts, Casefleet automatically attempts to recognize and use a date included within the selected text for the new fact record.
To minimize errors, the date must include a year between 1900 and 2030 to be detected. Detectable dates can be formatted as a standalone year; a month and year only (no day); or a specific day, month, and year.
NOTE: Times referenced in the source text are not automatically recognized.
When a detected date has been auto-applied to your new fact, you will see a small checkmark icon in the Create New Fact sidebar, indicating that automatic date recognition has been applied.
Citing an entire page in the document
The third way to create a fact is to simply click the "cite page" button located in the menu bar at the top of the Reviewer. Use this option if there is no specific text to highlight, such as when creating a fact from a screenshot or photograph.
To see the Document Reviewer in action, check out our video on creating facts from the Document Reviewer here.
NOTE: Bookmarks and highlights in Casefleet are intended for in-app navigation only. For paged documents (PDF, etc.) downloaded source documents will be provided as originally uploaded. Deposition transcripts (TXT files) can be exported in PDF format with highlighted passages visible.
Document Reviewer Tips
Some additional pointers when creating facts using the Document Reviewer:
To link to a contact to your fact, use the @ symbol to launch a drop-down list of your contacts in the case and select the appropriate one.
By default, the date type is set to "on" a date. To change the date type, click the chevron and select from options including "before" a date, "around" a date, etc. There is also an auto-fill option that will save time if you are creating multiple facts in a row that occur on the same day. (For more information including changing the date format and working with fuzzy dates, click here.)
When you create a fact in the Document Reviewer, a pin cite is automatically generated to denote the page for the evidence that supports the fact. Read here to learn how to edit the pin cite so it reflects a Bates number instead.
Leverage the citations sidebar to quickly access all fact citations in the document, including full-page citations, directly in the reviewer window.
Don't forget to select the issue or issues that pertain to the fact so you can identify why the fact is relevant.
To read up on our best practices and tips for creating facts, check out our support article here.
To efficiently label facts and develop comprehensive case outlines with Casefleet, enhancing your case preparation and analysis, view this blog post.
For more information on Casefleet's document processing, duplicate detection, and text recognition (OCR), click here.