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Full-Text Case Search
Full-Text Case Search

How to use full-text search to find keywords in documents, facts, and more.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over 7 months ago

To quickly find information within a case, click the Search tab at the top of the screen and enter your search query. Narrow your search results by selecting the "Search in" options beneath the query field. Results appear in order of relevancy.

NOTE: Casefleet's full-text search feature is available as part of our Standard and Enterprise plans. Account Administrators can upgrade from the Starter to the Standard plan in Account Settings > Subscription.

For instructions on using the search tool within Casefleet's document reviewer, click here.

Search Tips

Whether you are searching across all of the data in your case or searching the text of one document, you can use precise search operators to narrow your results:


  • ?  -  Replaces a single character of a word (st?r will match results for both star and stir)

  • *  -  Replaces zero or more characters in a query (fin* will match fin, find, financial, etc.)

Exact Phrase Matches

  • " "  -  Enter a phrase in double quotes to search for an exact phrase match ("to be or not to be")

Proximity Searches

  • ~  -  Proximity searches allow you to find words that are near to each other in a document. For example, a search for "quick fox"~5 will find the word quick 5 or fewer words apart from the word fox.

Boolean Searches

  • + / -  -  Add "+" to the beginning of a word to specify that it must be present in the record and "-" to specify that it must not be present. For example, a query for quick brown +fox -news will only match documents that contain fox and do not contain news. Since quick and brown are not associated with a search operator, these search terms are optional, but if present, will increase the relevance for ranking results.

  • OR  -  This operator expands your search to include all individual results for each part of your query. For example, a search for quick brown fox will return all results for brown even if quick and fox are not included. In basic searches without quotation marks, the OR operator is implied.

  • AND  -  The AND operator requires that both search terms must be present for a match. Searches for quick AND fox will return results that include both quick and fox.

  • NOT  -  This search operator limits search results by eliminating hits that may not be relevant. For example, a search for quick AND fox NOT news will only return results that contain both quick and fox but do not include news.

NOTE: The search operators AND, OR, and NOT must be in all capital letters.

  • More complex searches can be performed by combining these operators with parentheses. For example, ((quick AND fox) OR (brown AND fox) OR fox) AND NOT news.

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