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Reports Options

Additional options, beyond filters, when running a report.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over 7 months ago

Each report available in Casefleet has a set of additional options available, such as including a zip file or privilege header. These options appear when you click "Generate" for the report you wish to run. The options available depend on the type of report you select.

Here is an overview of what each of our different reporting options does: 

  • Download report with hyperlinked documents: This option is available on reports generated as Word docs. By selecting this option, the citations in your report will be hyperlinked to their source of proof. This is a great option if you need offline access to information in Casefleet. You can read more about hyperlinked reports here.

  • Include zip file: The option to include a zip file is available for our Excel and PDF reports. By selecting this option, you will receive a zip file containing the documents referenced in your report.

NOTE: Selecting either of these two options will provide you with the additional option to convert the exported files to OCR versions of the original documents in PDF format. Certain documents, such as audio files, video files, spreadsheets, and TXT-formatted depositions cannot be converted to PDF and will be included in their native/original format.

Selecting the OCR'd PDF option also requires more time for report generation, so we advise only selecting that option when necessary.

  • Include source-text parentheticals: The source-text parenthetical shows the original text of the document that was highlighted when creating a fact. If you created facts verbatim from the document then including a source-text parenthetical is unnecessary. You will simply be duplicating information. Source-text parentheticals are useful when the fact is a summary of the document text, and you want to see the original quote. 

  • Include attorney work product and privilege header: By selecting this option, your report will include a header that reads "Privileged & Confidential Attorney Work Product."

  • Include notes added to facts: By electing to include notes, your report will include any comments left on individual facts. The comments will appear indented underneath the fact.

  • Include headings for all issues and claims regardless of filters: This option is unique to the Facts by Issues report. Electing to include all headings means each and every Claim and Issue tag you created on the Issues tab will appear in the outline, even if there are no applicable facts for the claim or issue. 

For more on reports, check our support page on Exporting Facts and Running Reports

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