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Document Review
Reviewing documents is a key part of Casefleet. Learn how to utilize the document viewer and manage document review.
Document Reviewer OverviewAn introduction to the Document Reviewer feature.
Tracking Document ReviewAssign documents to reviewers, mark documents as reviewed, filter, and bulk update
Full-Text Case SearchHow to use full-text search to find keywords in documents, facts, and more.
Using the Document Reviewer to Create FactsHow to create a new fact using the Highlights feature.
Reviewing DepositionsUse our specialized deposition reviewer to make transcript review a breeze.
Reviewing Audio & Video FilesHow to create facts and citations for audio and video evidence.
Reviewing SpreadsheetsHow to review Excel and CSV files with our specialized spreadsheets reviewer.
Reviewing Documents via TabletHow to review documents on an iPad, tablet, or other touch-screen device.
Citing to a Page when the Highlighter is DisabledHow to create a fact citation without selecting text.
Using the Citations List SidebarEasily view all fact citations created for a document, right from the reviewer window.
Citing to Bates Labels and Other Citation FormatsHow to customize formats for fact citations.
Citing Text in Document BundlesAccurately cite sub-documents aka documents-within-documents.
Adding Multiple Citations to a Single FactLink new evidence to an existing fact by creating a new citation with the "Link to Existing Fact" option.
Using the Highlight Context MenuEnable the highlight context menu for additional actions when highlighting text.
Reprocessing Documents Uploaded Into CasefleetHow to reprocess documents that have OCR.
Using Bookmarks in the Document ReviewerHow to add, edit and view existing PDF bookmarks in Casefleet.
Using Full-Text Search in the Document ReviewerSee a list of all search results and quickly navigate to them in your file.
Deposition Designations (Add-on)Create, import, and export designations and associated comments in a deposition transcript.
Best Practices: Leveraging Case LawInputing statutes, rules, and other case law documentation to Casefleet.