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Casefleet Glossary

A quick-reference guide for the terms and key concepts in Casefleet.

Meg Hall avatar
Written by Meg Hall
Updated over a week ago


Account Administrator

Administrators have access to all data in the system, including Account Settings. Single account holders or the person who originated the account for a multi-user account are designated account administrators by default.

Account Owner

Each Casefleet account has a designated "Owner," who serves as the primary point of contact for the Casefleet team to connect with on subscription, billing, or other administrative communications. The account owner must have Administrative permissions in the account. By default, the owner is the user who initially created the account in Casefleet. Account owners can be updated by contacting Casefleet Support.

Active Users

Active users have current access to your Casefleet account, based on their assigned permissions level. Your subscription cost is based on the total number of active users with Administrator, Standard, or Limited permissions on the account.

Active Session

When you log into your Casefleet account on any device, an active session starts. Logging out - either manually or automatically after 2 hours of inactivity - will end an account session. If you login in via a different browser or device while a session is already active, you will see a security alert pop-up in the bottom-left corner about multiple active sessions.


When collaborating with your team, Casefleet automatically captures a log of actions taken within each case file. This log, available in the "Activity" tab of your case file, provides a detailed account of changes made within the case file. Case activity records are filterable and you can create saved views for dynamic snapshots of your activity feed.


Within a case file, both facts and sources can be archived. Archived records do not appear in your chronology or sources list by default, and will remain safely stored in your case file. While deleted records are fully purged from the Casefleet database, archiving provides a retrieval option when needed.

Assigned Users

Users can be assigned to the specific case files they are working on. Adding team members as assigned users to a case improves collaboration and helps everyone keep abreast of tasks for the group, monitor review status, and communicate with each other regarding case analysis from a centralized case file.


Bates Numbers (Citation Formatting)

Bates numbers are often used in legal settings to identify documents - and each specific page within a document - for easy reference during proceedings. In Casefleet, Bates numbers can be applied as the citation formatting for a source document so that evidence citations are attributed to the provided Bates number, rather than the page number in the document.


Bookmarks are a helpful way of quickly jumping to specific sections in a document and navigating through a large document more efficiently. Any existing bookmarks present in PDF documents are automatically created for the document in Casefleet.


Cases / Case File

In Casefleet, your various matters or projects are referred to as a case. Each case file is fully segmented in your account for data privacy and security protection.


Recent updates and enhancements to the Casefleet application are posted in our changelog. You can view Casefleet's changelog at this link:


Your case chronology is the timeline of events and can be found on the Facts tab of your case. Facts are automatically ordered in ascending order based on the given date/time.


The citation is what links the fact to the source and tells us which page or location within the source provides evidence of the fact. A single fact may have multiple citations within the same or different sources of evidence.


Claims are sets of issue tags that relate to one another for improved organization. For example, in a negligence case you might create a claim called "negligence" and then nest the issue tags (e.g. "duty", "breach", etc) under the "negligence" claim.


Contacts are the various individuals and business entities involved in your case or project. Common examples are the parties to the case, witnesses, medical providers, and opposing counsel. In Casefleet, we've designed contacts to be used as flexibly as possible to suit your needs, so you could potentially add key locations, properties, objects, or even abstract concepts that recur throughout your case as "contacts" to expand your analysis capabilities.

Contacts not only provide a snapshot of the key players and their role(s) in a case but they can also be linked to facts or specific documents, making it easy to find a variety of records related to a particular contact with just a few clicks.

Column Chooser

The column chooser allows you to show/hide (and adjust the order of) the data columns present on a particular page in Casefleet.



When logging into Casefleet, you will be taken directly to your personal dashboard. The dashboard page includes sections for your recently accessed cases, any upcoming and past-due tasks to which you are assigned, as well as links to "jump back in" to your most recently viewed sources that have not been marked as complete.

During a free trial, information on the free trial period and additional resources are available on the dashboard to help get you acquainted with the Casefleet application.

Date Style

Casefleet recognizes American, European, and International date styles. Administrators can set the date style used by all users in the account via Account Settings.

Date Type

For each fact in your chronology, you can determine a date type to help you discern which of your facts have a specific date and time, and which facts have "fuzzy" dates or date ranges.


Designations are specialized identifications, by page and line number, of any important testimony from a deposition transcript that one party intends to introduce into evidence at trial. Often these designation records are exchanged between the parties of a case.

Document Reviewer

The Document Reviewer in Casefleet allows you to open a document, review it, and create facts directly from the document text. Most file types, such as PDFs, Word documents, and images are reviewed page-by-page using our Standard document reviewer. Casefleet also provides the 3 specialized reviewer tools for (1) deposition transcripts in .txt file formats, (2) audio and video files, and (3) spreadsheets and CSV files.



Facts are central to your work in Casefleet, and represent the events, assertions, and pieces of information you have taken from your relevant source materials. Such information often relates to the elements of legal claims or provides important background information on witnesses or main events of a case.

The Facts tab is where your chronology is located in each case file. Here, all facts for your case are organized chronologically, referencing the contacts, issues, and supporting evidence for each unique fact in your timeline. Filters help to refine your chronology and instantaneously locate the exact set of facts you need.

Fact Comments / Internal Notes

Comments are internal notes regarding a specific fact in your chronology. Keep additional information on a particular fact or have a discussion around a particular fact with other team members assigned to the case file.

Facts Graph

The Facts Graph is a data visualization tool that enables you to see trends in your case and helps you navigate your chronology from a macro level.


Robust filtering tools are available throughout Casefleets to help you quickly sort through all of the information in your chronology and case records to identify the subset of information you need at any given time.

Folder View

On the sources tab, enabling the "Folder View" option allows you to navigate files by drilling down through the various folders included in a native or processed bulk upload set.

Full-Text Search

Casefleet's full-text search feature is available as part of our Standard and Enterprise plans and enables you to quickly sift through all case records or within a specific document's text based on advanced search operators.


Guest Users

A guest user only has access to a single case within Casefleet, allowing you to collaborate with up to 2 users outside of your company or firm for free. These users will only be able to work on a single case that you have assigned to them.


Inactive Users

An inactive user has had their access to your Casefleet account removed by an Account Administrator. Inactive users are not included in the user count for Casefleet billing.


Issues are tags applied to facts in your case and are crucial to maximizing Casefleet for complex case analysis, investigation, and motions practice. Issue tags categorize each fact in your timeline and identify why it is important to your case. Often, issues show how a fact relates to the various elements of your legal claim. For example, in a negligence case, you might create issue tags called "Duty", "Breach", "Standard of Care", and "Damages" that would be used to label the facts that relate to each issue.


Jump Back In

Found on the dashboard and case home pages, "Jump back in" cards show you your 6 most recently viewed sources that have not yet been marked as complete. Return to the exact page you last viewed in the document or click the checkmark to update the document's review status.


Limited User

Limited users will only be able to see data related to cases to which they have been assigned and are unable to create new case files.

Load File

A load file is a CSV or DAT file containing additional corresponding data for bulk import documents from a computer-generated production set, such as bates labels, metadata, tags, etc.


Native Uploads

Bulk native uploads entail uploading collections of miscellaneous computer files or sets of email archives, provided in a ZIP, PST, or MBOX file.


Processed Uploads

Processed uploads provide a way to upload large collections of files from a computer-generated production along with associated data provided in a load file (formatted as either CSV or DAT).



Casefleet's product roadmap is how we keep you updated on feature requests that have been submitted, including which projects are currently in the works. You can view our roadmap at


Roles are used for tagging and organizing the contacts in your case file.


Saved Views

Saved Views allow you to apply specific column choices and filters, then save your selections to quickly reapply the view at a later time. In Casefleet, saved views are used in lieu of folders for organizing information in your case.


Sources are the documents/files relevant to your case that you upload into Casefleet. The quickest way to create a source is to drag and drop a file into Casefleet, but you can also create sources that are not tied to particular files, such as creating a source for an object or person.

Once a fact is created from a source, that source becomes evidence. Sources are used to prove or rebut facts. You'll likely spend significant time working with your sources and on the Sources tab in Casefleet.

Source Tags

Source tags are used for labeling and organizing the documents and other sources of evidence uploaded to your case file.

Standard User

Standard users have access to all cases and data in the account, except for information found in Account Settings.



Tasks help you stay organized by creating and tracking a "to-do list" in Casefleet for yourself and your team. Tasks can be created as standalone reminders or linked to a particular case file.


Visual Timeline

Your case chronology on the Facts tab can be toggled to show a "timeline" view. The default chronology format is a vertical list of facts in ascending order. The visual timeline view creates a horizontal timeline of events and can be exported as a PDF or SVG file.

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